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Alison, Theda's is such a fun, fun read. I'm trying to catch up currently, got a late start. Really enjoying it. - Jim

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Jim, this is the highest compliment you can give me because that is just what I wanted from this book: a fun read. I’m so glad you’re enjoying it!

Also, asking your professional opinion: do you think the links to past chapters that have relevance to the current chapter are helpful or not?

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I think they do no harm at all. Not at all. Very helpful to me and even if some other readers don't use the links at all, it doesn't detract from the current chapter at all. To still others, it could be an occasional tool for clearing up or checking something or a reference back to an earlier scene, conversation, etc. I liken it to having an attachment to a piece of equipment that you think you'll never need or use...until you do one day. - Jim

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Ok cool. That’s how I figured it as well.

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"Okay cool." Now that brought back some great times, some things you just don't hear much anymore. Even better, if you would have said 'cool beans', I would have stood up from my desk and loudly cheered. I said that to one of my daughters a year or so ago and I'll never forget the look on her face. She cocked her head to the side too, like when a dog hears a sound they don't understand. Hilarious.

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The intersection of past and present, combined with the looming shadows of unfinished business, creates an atmosphere that's full of anticipation. Your portrayal of Theda’s inner turmoil is so vivid and compelling! It's so interesting how the characters' paths cross and entwine, each one carrying their own burdens and secrets.

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Thank you! This comment made my day.

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